Madan No Ou to Vanadis (my thoughts)

Anime: Madan no Ou to Vanadis/ Lord Marksman and Vanadis
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, (Action, Ecchi *my opinion)
Date of anime aired : 4/10/2014

my name is Tigrevurmud Vorn
now thats a really long name for me xD

this show was set up in parallel universe in Europe.  why did i say parallel universe?  because the kingdom's name, the SI unit is completely different from what we've learn

for example: we use Km and hours and etc but they using alsin, koku
*nice idea right there xDD

the story with an aristrocrat from Alsace of the Brune Kingdom named Earl Tigrevurmud Vorn(earl is just a title) in a war against the Zhcted Kingdom.
before the war started they shaken by the rumors of the current war will up against an army led by a war maiden or simply called Vanadis

during the war Tigre(Tigrevurmud) was knock out unconscious and found himself in a land full of corpse before the vanadis was in his sight. Tigre decided to kill the vanadis with his bow although in Brune Kingdom, it is a disgrace to use a bow.He knock his arrow killing the vanadis's guard's horse from about 3 hundred alsin away but then defeated with unexpected event causing him to become prisoners of wars

the story continue as the vanadis told him that she is Elenoara Viltaria from the Zhcted Kingdom that governs LeitMeritz. When Tigre reache there, Tigre was threated as if his is not a prisoners of war (suprisingly xDD) and make a very deep admiration towards the Zhcted army with his precise marksmandship although with a poorly maintenence bow from beyond 3 hundred alsin, immobilizing the assasssin who tries to kill the vanadis with a mechanical bow.

from there, the story changes when Tigre borrows the strength of Zhcted army along with Ellen(Ellenoara) to defends his country, Alsace from the assault by Zion Thenardier, sons of Duke Thenardier and Tigre crushes Zion with a mysterious power that kills the dragon and Zion while Zion is trying fled from the battlefield

the mysterious power that Tigre had before releasing the arrow and kill Zion

and during the battle between LeitMeritz army and Olmutz army at Tatra Fortress
Tigre able to breach the door with the help of Arifal and the Black bow his family inherit even though Ellen's "Ley Admos" cant breach it. again, that strange event xD

during the assault at Tatra Fortress 

as the story goes on we were introduced with the all the seven Vanadis although Olga was not in the show
and most importantly, Tigre killed Duke Thenardier with his marksmanship alone without the help of the power within the bow and Arifal. Straight into his forehead and claim his victory.

wait who are those 7 Vanadis??

Ellenoara Viltaria

Sofya Obertas

Alexandra Alshavin

Valentina Glinka Estes

Olga Tamm(only showed in opening)

Ludmira Lourie

Elizavetta Fomina

although i prefer Elizavetta in the light novel XD

yup spoilers alert xDD

the war scene is my gawd!! u can feel the ancient Europe war in the air xDD not to mention their war tactics explanation      Just splendid! XD

and now *cold sweat the reason why i said ecchi (apologize if the ecchi genre actually exists)
if you want to compare between light novel and the anime, i said the light novel has more ecchi scene than the anime

Tigre went into the wrong bathing site
and saw Ellen bathing

okay thats all i can show xD Tigre is a lucky bastards because his pretty much like "i dont wanna fight the vanadis, how bout make harem instead" although that is not his intention at all xD
seeing sofya then ludmira and also Teita *facepalm

but thats not the very reason why this anime is bad because this show is all about war there and there so no ecchi scene during the war

here is some very limited scene due to not the spoilers in there air XD

get owned nigga!!! XD

3 arrows at once
nobody can do that skills xD

wrong anime saber XDD

To summarize, it truly is a very great anime
the story,the characters development, the adventures and that "plot" XDDD

and here is my "sticker of approval" xD

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