Monday, March 30, 2015

Kantai Collection

Anime: 艦隊これくしょん/ Kantai Collection
             艦これ/ KanColle for short
Date of anime aired:7/1/2015
Episode: 12
Opening song: Akino from BLESS4 (Miiro)

Burning Love~~~~!!!!

where else can you find a big ships but only handled by 1 person?? (except Aoki Hagane no arpeggio)
not to mention that this kind of anime is just pack with moe although having a battle at the ocean XD *right at the kokoro lol XDD

The story revolts around a destroyer called Fubuki as the story develop from her point of view. Unlike the game(this anime was adaptation from a game and in the game, the game progress around Admiral who is the player themselves)
with that in mind, Fubuki was brought to Naval District by Admiral and met with Admiral face-to-face( since anybody can be Admiral thats why they only put a shadow of how an actual Admiral will look like because.........adaptation form game! am i m wrong? XDDD)

due to fact that this anime's plot are not based on 100% historical event( i meant the WW I and WW II stuff because all of the name and specific classes are from actual ship from the past but with MOE XDDDD) theres not much of stuff i can extract to make a review or summary XDDD

but straight to the point, just seeing the opening and hearing the opening song by the artist that also from Amagi Brilliant Park anime opening is enough for me to go all hype and crazy for it xD

i really seriously miraclely freaking love the story progress although its not like a very amusing or fantastic plot with feels and all but it is something that you just "ahhh, look at those fleet girls having a great time" and a bit of "you can do this! my waifu!" feels XD *pardon me for my worst grammar and explanation there because i really dunno how to say but i just like it XDD

from the destroyer Fubuki trying hard to stabilize her pose until becoming a Flagship for her squad, and being a great Flagship although being a bit reckless and charge ahead of others unlike most flagship does XDD (well duh, a destroyer being a flagship is weird enough) xD

There are a lot of ships....... i mean girls in the game but there a few girls that appear in anime
the ones who frequently appears are:

Destroyer, Fubuki  (吹雪)

Destroyer, Mutsuki (睦月)

Destroyer, Yuudachi (夕立)

Yuudachi after remodel

(from left)
Destroyer, Akatsuki (暁)
Hibiki (響)
Inazuma (電)
Ikazuchi (雷)

Aircraft Carrier, Akagi (赤城)
Kaga  (加賀)

Aircraft Carrier, Shoukaku (翔鶴)
Zuikaku (瑞鶴)

Light Cruiser, Ooi (大井)
Kitakami (北上)

Battleships, Haruna (榛名)
Kongou (金剛)
Hiei (比叡)
Kirishima (霧島)

Battleship, Nagato (長門)
*not in the battlefield until last episode

Battleship, Mutsu (陸奥) and Nagato xD

Destroyer,Shimakaze (島風)

Battleship, Yamato (大和)
Heavy Cruiser, Atago (愛宕)

Heavy Cruiser, Takao (高雄)

But i'm pretty sure that most of us who love this anime is probably because of one simple : MOE xD
while some of us just watch this anime because they have played the game before and came to watch their waifu XDD but lets be honest, its a great anime and many people are hype over it xD

a meme i made myself XDD
but to me, moe is not the only element making this anime intresting
the combat scene rather fun to watch with all the explosion unlike in the game where all you see is stats xDD

To end this what it seems like a meaningless review xDDD, i spontaneously give this anime a thumbs up
- nice story line??? or i suppose it is a relaxing yet fun plot
-still have that feel moment even though it has comedy tag XDDDDDDDD
-we finally gotta see some explosion man!! we aint getting this at game XDD
-making the Battleships history seems fun to learn

here is my "sticker of approval" but first!!! lemme serve you curry xDD

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Absolute Duo

Anime: アブソリュート・デュオ/ Absolute Duo
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Harem, Romance, Ecchi(not that much untill affects the story)
Date of Anime aired: 4/1/2015
Episodes: 12
opening song: Konomi Suzuki [ Absolute Soul] {nice song lol}


the story revolts around a boy named Kokonoe Tor (but i'll be saying Thor just like Julie due to the pronunciation sounds like Thor from the Myth mythology) who enrolls in Koryo Academy, an academy where students fought each other using a weapon called Blaze

what surprised me is during the opening ceremony, the Principal would actually make the students to battle against the student who sat beside them. And the who loses cannot enroll into the academy
pretty much screwed if i were to enter this academy xDDD i mean who would actually ready to fought against a person beside you that you almost befriend him/her on the FIRST DAY of school xDDD

and of course our "hero of the show", Thor also included
he fought with Imari who was actually the first person he talk to and becoming friend.... and not to mention sitting beside Thor

as you can see, Thor's blaze is strangely enough, is a shield and not a melee weapon like all the students in the academy
Thor was labelled as Irregular because.......well duh~ the only blaze that is not offensive purposes
but luckily, Thor are able to enroll because it has offensive attack using a fist that knock down Imari (later part, Julie named it Mjolnir because yeah, Thor has a hammer called Mjolnir in the mythology so why not called it as so lol XDD)

since the title is Absolute Duo, so it need a Duo( okay i know its not even funny....) Thor at first wanna team up with his friend Tora but due to certain reason, he ended up team up with a Julie Sigtuna (ja![sweedish word for yes i supposed]), a beautiful silvered twintail girl with red eyes.

and to make the story a bit fun, the classroom teacher,Tsukimi Rito...

who is always childish(even though a teacher XD) and energetic oh not to mention wearing maid outfit-looking with bunny ears(hnnggghhhh,why my classroom teacher not like this?? i bet i won't skip classes like this XDD).....

has another personality who is oooooohhhh myyyyyy gawd!! sadistic, foul-mouthed and ruthless
she even went ahead and hurt her student during a competition held by herself but of course, the hero beat her real good though XD

this scene is the next morning after Tsukimi assault her students
and the humour part of it is of course the harem part xDD
its not like i didnt ship Thor x Julie but a lot of fun did appear when other female chara is brought closer towards the male main chara

the "harem part of the story" gets a lil intresting when Chitoge 2.0...... i mean Lilith Bristol was introduced XD she was also an Irregular just like Thor but her blaze was in the form of a rifle
although her blaze seems to be a "long distance" weapon but she is quite agile and able to shoot at point blank range     oh and not to mention she didn't been inside the classroom(most of the time) because she claim that she had learnt it long time ago
she also claim that Thor is her future husband which make the "harem road" a bit interesting to me XDD

as the story is mainly about Duo(teamwork), the story is obviously giving out the moral of frienship,understanding and tolerance(i guess XD)
the reasons lies almost all on the Thor because Thor is always protecting Julie during combat and always working together with Julie and the rest to beat the shit out of that bastard K xDDD
even Thor receive a lot of damage and wounds, he still took Julie's safety as his priority which makes it kinda cliche already and piss K off xDD

though the ending is a bit.......meehhh~~ (Tomoe and Miyabi) but i seriously kinda like the fight between Julie and Thor against K( duhh~ those freaking power up and berserking)

hnngggghhh, as expected my waifu XDDD
dat face though XDD

to summarize it, i'd give this anime a thumbs up
because i like how unique the story develop although the downside of this is just same old "i need to be stronger" cliche and dialog but yeah i still like it
and the opening song really really match the theme and the beat of this anime

cut things even shorter XDD i'd recommend this anime though some ecchi scene may pops up but still i enjoy it because it is hilarious( no not because of the "plot" u perv xDD)
here is my "sticker of approval" XDD

Friday, March 6, 2015

Sword Art Online

Title: ソードアート・オンライン / Sword Art Online
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama [ a bit of romance, futuristic (i think it that way XD)]
Date of anime aired: 7/7/2012
Episode: 25
Opening Song: - Lisa [ Crossing Field ]
                        - Eir Aoi [ Innocence ]

Link Start!!!!

A great anime show with two great singers for opening song. can you feel the heat of awesomeness ?? XD

this anime is clearly divided into two separate "place" and story progression or we simply called it arc
the First arc is all about surviving in a virtual reality game that if you die in that game,you will also die in real world.
the Second arc is about a hero who tries to save his girlfriend who was still trapped in the virtual reality game but on a different game.

the First arc begin with a boy who accidently gets a paper cut named Kirigaya Kazuto wearing a helmet named Nerve Gear and insert a "game card" before lying on a bed and say "link start" to enter the game world.

but who would expect, a normal day in the game or should i say Aincrad. would become a game between life and death when people can't log out from the game and were gathered in a place

the Floating Castle, Aincrad

Kirito's original avatar
wait Kirito? who is Kirito?
Kirito is Kirigaya Kazuto in-game name xD but after the event where they gathered, Kirito's appearance has become similar to his real world appearance

in-game, he was one of the many beta testers that were also trap in that game and other players hate the beta testers because beta testers played the game earlier thus having more experience to survive

his identity of being beta tester revealed after finishing the the First floor Dungeon Boss with a group that was formed temporarily to fought the Boss
Kirito decided to claim himself "beater" when he said he is the one that had clear many floor than any other beta testers to protect the other beta testers from getting blamed thus making him a solo player while others pair up to fight

the First Floor Dungeon Boss fight scene

as the story progress, we were introduced with several characters


first arc appearance(right)
second arc appearance(left)




but there's one duel that lead Kirito to be suspicious of a certain player where Kirito nearly slash the characters head to claim victory but a split second shield blocks the attack

to make things more intresting, Kirito obtain a very rare sword skills and finish the Dungeon Boss all by himself when the Boss changes its attack pattern(every Dungeon Boss changes its attack pattern when the HP decreases at a certain point)

long story shorts, Kirito able to spot the final boss which is the Game Creator himself(the one who disable the log out option and turn the game into deadly game) at 75th floor and were offered to duel against G.C and able to exit the game if Kirito succeed in finish the G.C off

just straight to the point, Kirito wins XDDDDD

but Asuna did not wake up from coma although most of the SAO survivors had recoverd from their "long sleep" which lead Kirito to enter another game called Alfheim Online(ALO) after Agil leaks an information from the players who played it saw a girl figure look like Asuna on top of Yggrasil Tree(in Norse Mythology, World Tree)

and off we go to world of fairies~~
(seriously though, at first the only thing i  can think of fairies is peter pan and what it is called again...... winx club?? XDDD and yeah i can't accept that XD)

is that you Kirito??
yup he is Kirito but in ALO
in ALO, Kirito is particularly just want to go to Yggrasil and find Asuna, its like "one way only" misssion XD
he didn't even bother about his in-game stats and achievement and went full out to those who stands in his way although he actually don't have to care about it XD why? he still had his in-game stats and item from the old SAO but most of the item are unabled to load XDDD

in ALO not much of character introduction but the important part is Kirito met Leafa xD


and like in SAO(*tired* xD) Kirito overwhelm an experienced player with his swordsmen like in the SAO and bla bla bla XDDDD

ouch XDD this was one of quest Kirito took to reach to the top of Yggrasil but the GM has set the difficulty to impossible but thanks to other players and Yui, Kirito managed to sneak through the gate and reunite with Asuna

BUT...... the GM spotted Kirito and stab Kirito until Kirito can't move at all. Leaving Kirito on the floor with his own sword stabbed at behind, the GM then starts to harass and ripped Asuna making Kirito burst into rage and fight head on with the GM

im gonna skip the ending because don't wanna spoil the feels afterwards XDDD

though i also skip some of the scene i think it deserves for suprise XDDD

oh note that Sinon is not in this anime,she only appears on the later arc and a video game called "Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment" on PS Vita 

uses arrow as her weapon

so my summary for this Anime is........
I seriously Recommend you this Anime
-Good Story
-no ecchi scene which makes it great for youngsters to watch (though 2-3 fanservice scene is there for humor )
-got some feels to it(not that strong feels)

-the goose bumps you get when watching Kirito went full out

and of course my "sticker of Approval" and a really huge thumbs up for this anime